Realm of Neo

Sunday, May 14, 2006

What's a thought after all - open your mind

How can some of us be so constricted in our opinions as that of a black hole? To be shrouded in our visions like that of a blind ox fighting with its eyes gouged by a ruthless brutal matador and stubborn prepared to fight unto death. Why are some of us so stubborn that we subdue our thoughts and opinions down upon other’s throats? Aren’t all of us born free, well atleast aren’t we entitled to that one rare precious gift of freedom of thought which is the extraordinary gift of humans who are supposedly at the pinnacle of life on earth. Who can control our thoughts; can others control our thoughts? Maybe a hypnotist or a yogi would be able to help me with this. But who else can control us, aren’t we the masters of our own destiny? Why then are we driven by the uncontrollable need to control others thoughts.

Can freedom of thought be advocated, or is it merely a concept left to die away in our minds and lie buried for eternity in our mental graves. But who are we to blame but ourselves when we succumb to the unjustified attempts of a fanatic society who under the garb of religiousness try to vanquish our thoughts forever and bury them alive. But then I have a question, can we really bury something so subtle as a thought which can be more nimble than light itself and yet can never be seen and still feel so near to us. Can some debauched external individual or force really control our thoughts unless we first succumb as depraved and hopeless slaves to their thoughts? Had it not been for the fanatical and obsolete rules that have caused me ire, probably I would not have been tormented by these thoughts now. But then who is a fanatic, when do they become fanatics? Am I trying to become one? No I don’t think so for all I seek is freedom of thought, freedom of expression is much more evolved & more so utopian, but then I do not seek to impose my thoughts on others, worse still, I do not abide them to follow the vagaries of my thoughts. That, dear friend is the distinction between a fanatic and me. And that is why I fail to heed to their mindless ideas & will continue to break rules as long as I can do so without inviting personal injury to myself. But I will always continue to believe that I was born free & I will continue to think freely and my spirit would always be free unshackled, unburdened and unwalled.


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