Realm of Neo

Saturday, May 13, 2006

The power of the mind

A speck in the sands of time that would one day cast impressions of stone in the dunes of sand. Why do we all get illusions, or rather simply put why do we all think, oh just give me a break, my mind goes blank when its most needed and exams have helped me realize have a stark way of making me realize that. It found even better ways of deserting me at the most needed hour, especially in the face of battle, I pity poor Karna, fully empathize with how he would have faced Arjuna, well in my case I had to face not one but 100s of Arjunas, in a lecture hall giving a public speech and firing the most devastating volleys of verbal conundrums at you that had it not been for the sake of etiquette, I would have hurled the finest expletives at them and make them wish they were never born into this world. Well sometimes the mind can be so promiscuous and just leave you at the cardinal hour. Karna had Parashuram to blame, I'm yet to find mine. That your mind can make one feel so powerless is surely a cardinal testament to the power of the mind and the energy we wield to control it through our thoughts. So how does one really control the flow of thoughts, wish I knew it as well; otherwise I wouldn't have been blogging randomly.


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